A team of 15 Early Stage Researchers from 8 different nationalities are recruited by leading universities, research centres, and companies in Europe to work towards the common goal, i.e. Hybrid and ORgAnic ThermoElectricSystems (HORATES).

Waste heat from technical devices and even heat given off by living beings is a ubiquitous source of energy and can be harnessed to produce electricity. One possible application is powering small sensors. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) funded HORATES doctoral programme–coordinated by Heidelberg University –aim to develop the organic materials suitable for converting unused waste heat into electricity. 

The international PhD programme will explore the properties and processing of newly developed organic materials and then use them in demonstrator devices. The doctoral candidates will work through the full chain of organic thermoelectrics, from molecular design and chemical synthesis to device development, including theoretical modelling. The structured programme for 15 doctoral candidates, is organised under the auspices of an innovative training network with scientific and practical experts serving as advisors. Funding is being provided within the framework of “Horizon 2020”, the research and innovation funding programme of the European Union.